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Home / Historic Pages - Open Events / Open Events 2024 / Supernova Sea Championships 1st June 2024
Home / Historic Pages - Open Events / Open Events 2024 / Supernova Sea Championships 1st June 2024

Supernova Sea Championships 1st June 2024

Unfortunately due to a very low number of entries, we have made the difficult decision to reduce the Championship to a one-day event on Saturday 1st June and below is the revised timetable. Hopefully you understand our decision was not taken lightly however this close to the event commencing we would need to secure agency caterers, order food and organise bar/waiter staff and with only 3 outside entries this has become an impossible task to predict potential numbers.

Exe Sailing Club understands your disappointment and with that in mind we have reduced the entry fee to £25 for bookings before 25th May and £30 for entries at registration. Below is the Notice to Competitors No1 along side the original NoR, SIs and new entry link which provides details of the changes we have made.

We are still looking forward to welcoming you all to Exmouth on 1st June 2024 for this years Sea Championship. Exe Sailing Club are proud that you have chosen us to hold your Sea Championship and we hope the weather provides champagne sailing in Lyme Bay.

You will find the official Notice Board at the bottom of this page including the entry.

Please read the following that will help you upon arrival, during your time with us and departure after a great sailing event, meeting friends and enjoying everything Exe Sailing Club and Exmouth have to offer.

TIMETABLE excluding Sailing information which can be found in the NoR and SIs.
Note timings maybe be affected by the racing launch and return.

Friday 31st May 2024
Early Arrival 1500 – 1900
Bar Open 1900 – 2230

Saturday 1st June 2024
Arrival and Registration 0800 – 0930
Breakfast Bar 0830 – 1030
Beer or Soft drink provided by the club as you come off the water.
Prize Giving under the balcony or in the Preston (training) room with Tea/Coffee and Cake provided by our members.
Bar Open 1700 – 2100

Sunday 2nd June 2024
Late Departure from 0800 – 1200

Direction, Arrival and Parking
Follow the road signs to Sea Front, 2nd roundabout take 2nd exit along the side of the rugby ground (Langerwehe Way) and take left fork in the road down Shelley Road.
By the club entrance one of our volunteers will direct you so we can take your boat on its road trailer to a holding area leaving you to park your car in one of the local car parks.
Important please be prepared to unload quickly to avoid any delays. It will help if you are coming with a partner if the driver deals with the car and the passenger goes with the boat to the holding area.
You will be allocated a berth for your boat and will be given a useable trolley tag with a berthing number which will align with your tally number. Attach the tag to your launch trolley.
Parking: Closes car park can be found at the end of Camperdown terrace and there are plenty of other car parks near the leisure centre and railway station opposite the Imperial Recreation Ground.

Changing Rooms and downstairs toilets will be open from 08:00 until 22:30
The downstairs Preston room will be open from 08:30 until 22:30.
Outside area in front of the Preston Room can be used for eating and drinking, however our licence restricts the area and please do not take drinks into the car park or in front of the properties look over the club near the beach.
The club sits in a residential area and our licence requires that the outside is not used after 22:30 including the balcony.
If leaving the club later than 22:30 please keep the noise to a minimum. Please help us to maintain our good relationship with our neighbours.

If you do need bring valuables and you require secured storage you will be given a sealable plastic bag from the Beachmaster on which they will write: -Tally number; Sail number; Name; Telephone number. These bags are to be handed to the Beachmaster who will keep them in a storage box and place in a secure location. They should be collected from the Beachmaster afterwards. These bags should be retained by the Competitor for use throughout the competition."

There will be a general waste and recycling centre operating and the check-in team will advise you of its location when you arrive.

Kit reminder: please remember to bring your tow rope as per NoR (spinnaker or main sheet will not suffice).
Remember to bring sun cream, cap, and personal reusable water containers for afloat.

Please return your trolley label and cable tie to the box near the beachmaster tally board
If leaving Saturday evening, we will reverse the arrival process. Please prepare your boat ready to attach to your road trailer.
If you are leaving Sunday morning, we will arrange for you to access the club car park.
If you booked to leave the event early, please contact Nick Coombes on 07891014984.

Official Notice Board

Notice of Race
Entry Form
U18 Consent Form
Sailing Instructions
Notice to Competitors

Last updated 11:11 on 5 February 2025

© 2025 Exe Sailing Club powered by Sailing Club Manager