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Sailability Fleet

Since its inception in 2007, the Exe Sailability Project has grown to be an integral part of the Club’s activities with an average of 15 sessions during the week, enabling people with a range of disabilities access to sailing and the water.

Our facilities, are funded mainly by outside sponsorship. We are delighted to be able to offer sailing in our boat, a Hawk 20 dayboat “NoExecuse” which was funded by Trinity House. As well as having a hoist for the boat, we have made adaptations to ‘No Execuse’ meaning we have seating which is able to support non-ambulant people.

Sailability also has a part share in the Club’s twin-hulled committee launch “Tornado 2”, which has modifications to allow most types of wheelchair users to enjoy the river, and a part share in the Club’s fleet of RS Quest dinghies.

On average, weekdays, the Hawk is committed to 2 sessions a day and the Powerability launch and RS Quest dinghies to 4 and 2 sessions a week respectively. There have been occasional outings at weekends.

Sailors have the opportunity of achieving a range of RYA Sailability certificates, leading possibility on to RYA qualifications.

We already have regular groups using the hawk but are keen to offer the experience to others.

The cost of hiring the boat is kept to a minimum and subsidised by our sponsors and donations received. Everyone who helps with taking our groups out are entirely volunteers.

‘Volunteering to help with the Sailability scheme has been truly rewarding. Just seeing smiling faces makes it all worth it’

2023 has been our busiest year to date with 531 individual sailors participating in 209 sessions.

We are greatly indebted to our 70 regular volunteers, our commissioning groups, and to the Club management for their support in providing exciting activities and opportunities for all the sailors participating.

As well as independent sailors attending, we also have students and residents from a wide range of schools, colleges and charities; such as Adventure Therapy, Barley Close, CEDA, Deaf Academy, InFocus, Mill Water, Pelican Project, South West Care Homes, and Stallcombe House.

We do appeal to any new or existing Exe Sailing Club members to join our Project where we can guarantee a rewarding experience and training.

We welcome enquiries from new sailability sailors and volunteers.

Please contact

Last updated 09:34 on 22 December 2024

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