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Home / Open Events / Knight Frank Champagne Challenge 14th September 2024
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Home / Open Events / Knight Frank Champagne Challenge 14th September 2024

Knight Frank Champagne Challenge 14th September 2024

Sponsors of the Champagne Challenge 2024
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Knight Frank Estate Agents – Your trusted partners in property

An Open Fun Race for Cruisers to Brixham.

Note, this is a “fun” race and there is an unwritten rule of not “winning it twice”. There’s hope for everyone!

First start 11.00 BST.

The course will be from Exmouth to Brixham and is expected to be 3 to 4 hours duration.

Entry is free.

There will be a post race evening meal at Brixham YC, please book meals in advance using the tickets which can be found below. Skippers can book meals for their whole crew or crew members can book individually.

You will find the Official Notice Board (ONB) for this event at the bottom of this page including the entry form.

Once you start the entry you will be asked to login. If you are an ESC member or have previously entered events at Exe Sailing Club, you may be able to use your previous log-in details (use “forgot password” if you can’t remember the password), otherwise create a new contact.

Race sign on/sign off will be performed using WhatsApp, details on how to join the Champagne Challenge 2024 Whatsapp group are given in the Notice of Race document

If you are taking Under 18 year olds/Vulnerable adults for whom you are not a parent/primary carer, the consent form provided in the ONB must be completed and held by the skipper.

Champagne Challengers socialising

Official Notice Board

Notice of Race

Sailing Instructions

Unofficial Handicap Request Form

Under 18 Years Old or Vulnerable Adult Consent Form

Entry Form and Meal Ticket Booking


Fleet 2 (1100 start)

Boat Skipper SailNumber
Exeuberant Pat Selby None
Soleste Martin Minter GBR1603L
Delphi Kevin Brown-Martin GBR4629L
Red Fox Colin Leach 3924T
Sparkle Mike Way 7006
Stella Maris Allan Leach 5884L
Arion Roger Page 5940L
Fryya Ian Bamsey None
Sea Pigeon Neil Ewins Sea Pigeon
Euge Richard Bentley None
Scat Nick Martin None
Erin Bob Watson None

Fleet 1 (1130 start)

Boat Skipper SailNumber
Little Wing Thomas Dunstan 8760R
Change of Course Julian Elliott N/A
Echo 5L Rupert Poole GBR5374L
Gem Allan Bancroft GBR3400X
Mathew Flinders Hedley Saunders 3088L
Jumbo Simon Turl 6599
Exeat Tineke Dixon GBR1653L
Juno George Rock-Evans GBR1697R
Speculator 2 David Palfreman 9785T
Current Obsession Bill Gott GBR3919L
Tai Chi Alan Hoare GBR3424T
Vela Fresca Neil Matson GBR1013L

Last updated 15:23 on 16 September 2024

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