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Technical Sailing Talks

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Published 13:48 on 14 Jan 2025

Every Wednesday Technical Sailing talks given in sociable environment to share information and learning for club members. Bar open at 7pm and talks starting at 7.30pm. All talks will take place in the Bar.

Covering topics of interest to all Sailors, whether Dinghy Cruising, Dinghy Racing, Training, Junior Racing, Sailability or Cruiser Racing

Date Subject
15th January Rigging for Dinghies and Cruisers Learn from Chris Rhodes about rigging for Cruisers and Dinghies. How rigging should be set up and the effect of changes to the rigging
22nd January Better Sailing – Sailing downwind for single and double handers Learn from Andrew McAusland about how to perfect your downwind sailing skills. Covering both double handers and single handers. The technical details covered in this talk will can be practised in the Masterclass at the weekend.
29th January Buying boats – Pros and Cons of different boats Thoughts and comments on the issues that need to be considered when purchasing a dinghy given by Bob Horlock and Rick Newcombe. Discussions will encourage sharing of experiences from other sailors of the main boats in the club fleets including Aeros, Trios, RS200, Lasers, Supernovas, Teras and Toppers.
5th February Rules of racing The key rules of racing that are the most common issues we find in racing given by Mike Way. Will also cover any significant updates to the rules as well as how we have updated the clubs protest procedures.
12th February Tides and Sandbanks of the Exe Rex Frost will share his experience of the peculiar tides and sandbanks in the Exe aimed at Dinghy Cruisers and Racers alike.
19th February Better sailing – Going upwind Learn from Chris Biglin about how to perfect your upwind sailing skills. Covering both double handers and single handers. The technical details covered in this talk will can be practised in the Masterclass at the weekend.
26th February How to progress from Level 2 Rob Adams will discuss what sailors should be looking to do after completing their level 2 dinghy qualification. As well as the opportunities for taking part in club activities it will cover the skills that sailors should look to develop and how best to judge their progression.
5th March Better Sailing – Mark rounding Learn from Les Arscott about how to perfect your mark rounding racing skills. Covering both double handers and single handers it will discuss tactics about where you should position your boat to get round marks as quickly as possible including dealing with other boats at the mark. The technical details covered in this talk will can be practised in the Masterclass at the weekend.
12th March Start line tactics Focusing on club racing Fred Mainwaring will look at how sailors can get the best start in a race, where on the start line they should be, dealing with other boats as well as key rules to be aware of.
19th March Safety Boat procedures and Race Officer briefing Talk given by Bob Horlock will act as a refresher of what needs to be considered by the safety boat crew including key circumstances they may encounter. Likewise the Race Officers briefing will update on key aspects of the race officers duties and additions to the race officers briefing instructions


26th March Dinghy Start of Season Meeting Prior to the start of the season a briefing on what to expect for the new season ahead including any changes developed by the Dinghy Committee.

Last updated 10:59 on 5 February 2025

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